



In the early 17th century, Dutch military-business alliance troops conquered current-day Anping in 1624 and built Fort Zeelandia as a defense base. The construction was completed in 1634. In 1662, the 16th year of Emperor Yongli’s reign during the Ming dynasty, after Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga) seized Fort Zeelandia, he renamed it as Anping Township, and turned the inner fort into government offices. The Taiwanese hence called it the Imperial City. During the Qing dynasty, as the Bay of Taijiang was becoming silted, Anping Township lost its importance; with the Qing army demolishing Fort Zeelandia to build the Eternal Golden Castle, it was gradually abandoned. Fort Zeelandia was rebuilt after the Japanese occupation, and renamed as “Anping Fort” after Taiwan’s Retrocession. Today, the only remnants from the Dutch period are the southern brick walls of the outer fort. The deep-rooted banyan trees have experienced countless years of change and witnessed over 300 years of the ups and downs of the Bay of Taijiang.